Aquileienses clerici quasi chorus beatorum habentur (Jerome, The Chronicle, AD 374). An example of monastic life of priests towards the end of the 4th century

Agnès Bastit-Kalinowska

Université de Lorraine (Metz) , France


The end of the fourth century sees the emergence, in the West, of several expe­riences of monastic life in the city for the bishop and a part of his presbyterium (Eusèbe of Vercelli, Martin of Tours, Paulin of Nola, Augustin of Hippo). A simi­lar attempt, around the priest Chromace of Aquileia (before his episcopate, and maybe even later), is documented by some testimonies of Jerome from Stridon and Rufin from Aquileia for the years 370s. These testimonies are the object of the present study.


monastic life, bishops and presbyterium, Aquileia, St Jerome

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Bastit-Kalinowska, A. (2018). Aquileienses clerici quasi chorus beatorum habentur (Hieronim, Kronika, rok 374). Przykład życia religijnego duchownych pod koniec IV wieku. Vox Patrum, 70, 205–215.

Agnès Bastit-Kalinowska 
Université de Lorraine (Metz)


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