The colours of topographical allusions in Notitia dignitatum pars orientis according to Oxoniensis Canonicianus misc. 378 and monacensis latinus 10291

Jacek Wiewiorowski

Uniwersytet Gdański , Poland


The text analyses the reality of the colours used in the topographical allu­sions of the insignia of late Roman officials, known from the Notitia dignitatum in partibus Orientis from the turn of the 5th century, preserved in Oxoniensis Cano­nicianus Misc. 378 and Monacensis Latinus 10291 - Not. Dig. Or. 28, 29, 31, 34, 36, 38, 39, 37. The author links the accuracy of colours used by the illustrators of the insignia with the intention of the Notitia dignitatum to give the emperor and other members of late Roman elite a relatively coherent picture of the geographi­cally remote regions of the Eastern Roman Empire. He subsequently relates it to the functioning of human brain as a pattern recognizer shared universally by hu­man beings, despite that colour perception among Humans is strongly affected by culture and calling for the inclusion of data collected by evolutionary psychology and other evolutionary research in historical studies.


Notitia dignitatum in partibus Orientis, Oxoniensis Canonicianus Misc. 378, Monacensis Latinus 10291, topographical allusions, colour perception among Humans, Evolutionary Psychology

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Wiewiorowski, J. (2018). Kolorystyka szczegółów geograficznych w Notitia dignitatum pars orientis według rękopisów Oxoniensis Canonicianus misc. 378 i monacensis latinus 10291. Vox Patrum, 70, 335–394.

Jacek Wiewiorowski 
Uniwersytet Gdański


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