Early Christian heresies – introductory issues

Bogdan Czyżewski

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu , Poland


In the times of the Church Fathers the notion of heresy was related to the false doctrine what became the cause of derogations from the unity of the Church. It was a false tenet about God, hence the Fathers of the Church tried to define not only mistakes created within the Church, but also to develop orthodox doctrine. Due to the vastness of the this subject authors and texts defining heresies were se­lected. Firstly, attention was drawn on the Greek term a†resij contained in pagan literature and the writings of the New Testament, which allowed to see what was the impact, especially the biblical definition of heresy, on the understanding of the early Christian writers, especially before the first Council of Nice in 325. It was also necessary to ask about the origin of heresy and its characteristics. Fathers af­firmed unequivocally that their creation were associated mainly with making the wrong choices. The result of this were incorrect relations of heretics to the truth and to the Church, wrong image of God and abiding in stubbornness. Fathers also attempted to define more precisely the scope of meaning of schism and heresy, which are concepts often used as synonyms.


heresy, schism, Fathers of the Church, orthodoxy, doctrine

Augustinus, Contra Faustum Manichaeum, PL 42, 207-518, tłum. J. Sulowski: Św. Augustyn, Przeciw Faustusowi. Księgi XXII-XXXIII, PSP 56, Warszawa 1991.

Augustinus, De civitate Dei, PL 41, 13-804, tłum. W. Kornatowski: Święty Augustyn, O państwie Bożym, t. 1-2, Warszawa 1977.

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Filastrius Brixiensis, Diversarum hereseon liber, PL 12, 1111-1301.

Gregorius Magnus, Moralia sive Expositio in Iob, PL 75, 509-1162, tłum. A. Wójcik: Św. Grzegorz Wielki, Moralia. Komentarz do Księgi Hioba, t. 2, ŹM 41, Kraków 2006.

Hieronymus, Commentarius in epistulam Pauli Apostoli ad Titum, PL 26, 307-618, tłum. A. Baron: Hieronim, Komentarz Listu do Tytusa w jednej Księdze, w: Ambrozjaster – Hieronim – Pelagiusz, Komentarze do Listu św. Pawła do Tytusa, ŹMT 28, Kraków 2003, 127-190.

Hilarius Pictaviensis, De Trinitate, PL 10, 25-472, tłum. E. Stanula: Św. Hilary z Poitiers, O Trójcy Świętej, PSP 64, Warszawa 2005.

Hilarius Pictaviensis, Tractatus super psalmos, PL 9, 231-907.

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Isidorus Hispalensis, Etymologiae, PL 82, 73-728.

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Czyżewski, B. (2017). Herezje wczesnochrześcijańskie – zagadnienia wprowadzające. Vox Patrum, 68, 7–20. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3327

Bogdan Czyżewski 
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


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