Valentinus’ interpretation of the biblical description of the creation of man (Gen 1:26-27) in Clement of Alexandria

Piotr Szczur

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The article attempts to show the Valentinus’ interpretation of the Biblical description of the creation of man (Gen 1:26-27) in Excerpta ex Theodoto pre­pared by Clement of Alexandria. The first part of the article shows the character of Valentinus and his school; the second part shows the importance of Excerpta for getting to know the Valentinian heresy; the third part analyzes the fragments of Excerpta ex Theodoto referring to the Biblical description of man's creation and to the anthropology proposed by Theodot – one of the representatives of the Eastern School.


Clement of Alexandria, Theodotus, Gnosticism, Valentinians, anthropology, exegesis Gen 1:26-27

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Piotr Szczur 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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