The Book of prophet Zechariah in the exegesis of saint Jerome and Didymus of Alexandria

Bogdan Czyżewski

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu , Poland


The subject of analysis are two biblical commentaries to the Book of the pro­phet Zechariah. First commentary is written by Didymus of Alexandria. The se­cond is the fruit of saint Jerome’s thought, prince of exegetes. Analysis of these two comments leads us to the conclusion of a very high resemblance of these works. Numerous fragments of a saint Jerome’s comment are convergent with those writ­ten by Didymus or are complementary to his interpretation. We get the impression, that Didymus determines the way, after which Jerome goes. Honestly speaking, despite some borrowings from Didymus, Jerome maintains a certain independence even in appreciation of literal interpretation of Scripture. Moreover, in many places he uses philological explanations or just supplements Didymus. We cannot forget, that Jerome asked Dydimus to write this commentary to the Zechariah prophet, and probably that’s why he allowed himself to use it, as he wished to.


Didymus the Blind, saint Jerome, exegesis, the prophet Zechariah, allegory, Bible commentary

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Bogdan Czyżewski 
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


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