The beginnings of the Christian text of Scripture

Janusz Królikowski

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie , Poland


In this article we point out the initial stage of the consolidation of the Christian text of Scripture, the major problems occurring during this process and the final expression of its specific character. The first and the major witness of this pro­cess is Justin Martyr thanks to whom we learn about first relations and tensions between Greek and Jewish tradition concerning Scripture. He advocated the uni­versalist approach based on truth, which allowed him to find the way to conciliate those tensions. Furthermore, such an approach allowed him to look favourably on extra-Biblical tradition and recognise it as a preparation for the incarnation of the Eternal Word. Saint Irenaeus in his approach to the text of the Bible appreciated the divine origin and inspiration which decides about its superiority and universa­lism. By the end of the 3rd century the question of the Christian text of Scripture had been determined, and the emphasis was put rather on the issue of the books, that is the canon.


Bible, Septuagint, biblical text, inspiration, Christian philosophy, canon

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Janusz Królikowski
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


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