The soma-sema formula in the Book of Thomas the Contender and its ontic and ethical implications

Anna Z. Zmorzanka

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The first part of the article shows the genesis of the soma-sema formula and its function in the Orphic and Pythagorean tradition, as well as in Plato. A particular attention was paid to its ontic background (dualism) and its ethical aspect: a neces­sity to undergo a punishment in the subsequent birth cycles (metempsychosis) and cleanse the soul of guilt. The second part presents a reception of the formula in the Gnostic Book of Thomas the Contender, indicating similarities and differences.


orphism, Plato, gnosticism, The Book of Thomas the Contender

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Zmorzanka, A. Z. (2018). Formuła soma-sema w Księdze Tomasza Atlety i jej aspekty ontyczno-etyczne. Vox Patrum, 67, 767–777.

Anna Z. Zmorzanka 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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