Admitting to monasteries people obliged to military service or bound by marriage at the time of st. Gregory the Great based on his "Registrum epistularum" and norms of Roman law

Janusz Lewandowicz

Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi , Poland


The paper discusses the obstacles existing in both secular law and practice of the Church, in the time of St. Gregory the Great, for joining the monastery by people performing the military service or bound in marriage. Subsequently, the paper indicates higher requirements, compared with secular law, imposed by the pope on people wanting to join the monastery but bound by marriage.


St. Gregory the Great, Registrum epistularum, letters, Roman law, Code of Theodosius, Justinian Code, Novels, monasticism, admission to monasteries, soldiers, bond of marriage, repudium

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Janusz Lewandowicz 
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Łodzi


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