Palestinian ampoules from the collection of Monza – bobbio. Iconographic program

Ryszarda M. Bulas

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The article presents iconographic types of Palestinian ampoules from the col­lection Monza – Bobbio. The author propos two types of iconography and compo­sitions of ampoules, Christological (Monza 11, 9) and Mariological (Monza 1, 2). The style carved scenes presents eastern style and iconography VI-VII century, especially Syrian and Palestinian.


Ampules of Monza – Bobbio, pilgrimage art, pilgrim flask

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Bulas, R. M. (2015). Palestyńskie ampułki ze zbiorów Monza – bobbio. Program ikonograficzny. Vox Patrum, 64, 93–103.

Ryszarda M. Bulas 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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