Menas and Aphrodite. “Devotional souvenirs” from Abu Mina sanctuary

Zsolt Kiss

Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych PAN w Warszawie , Poland


The article considers the ampullae and figurines produced in the Late Anti­quity in the sanctuary of St. Menas in Abu Mina. Their forms and iconography are analised in the context of the earlier traditions of greco-roman art in Egypt, in which they are clearly rooted. Both the ampullae and the figurines can be consi­dered as the manifestation of continuity of long established iconographical types in a new, Christian context.


Abu Mina, ampullae of St. Menas, egyptian terracota figurines

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Zsolt Kiss 
Instytut Kultur Śródziemnomorskich i Orientalnych PAN w Warszawie


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