Forgiveness of sins in the teaching of John Chrysostom. Outline of the problem

Piotr Szczur

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


This article attempts to show the teaching of John Chrysostom (c. 350-407) on the mercy of God and His love for mankind, which mani­fests itself in the forgiveness of sins. God loves all people, but sometimes allows them to suffer in order to bring them closer to Himself and show them His love (Chrysostom uses here the image of the father and the doctor). The loving close­ness of God is an invitation for sinners to return to their loving Father. The Church is an area of activity of the merciful God. It is in the Church that the sinner can obtain forgiveness by practicing repentance. However, the return to the merciful Father cannot be limited to an act of will, but the decision of will must be followed by action – concrete attitude expressing a real desire to implement the decision.


John Chrysostom, Providence, sin, forgiveness of sins

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Piotr Szczur 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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