Evil spirits – the devil and demons based on "Homilies on the Psalms" by Origen-Jerome

Józef Pochwat

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie , Poland


According to the researchers, Origen († 254) was the author of the Homilies on the Book of Psalms, whereas Jerome († 420) was their translator into Latin. Based on the above work, we have determined who are the devil and demons. These spirits of wickedness, after rebellion directed against God, were expelled from heaven and they stay in a terrible place, in hell. The Devil and his army are doing everything to separate man from God and make him his friend. This happens when man rejects God’s commandments and commits sin. The author, aware of human weaknesses, stresses the possibility of returning to God through repentance and penance. The forgiveness of sins became possible by the saving passion, death and resurrection of Christ. We wish to stress a strong christocentrism in the teaching of Origen – Jerome. Analysis of the text of the Homilies indicates authorship of Origen with the exception of places with information about Arius and monks, which indicates authorship of Jerome or these are only his notes made during translation of the Origen’s Homilies from Greek into Latin.


Satan, demon, angel, antichrist, combat, the devil, evil spirit, prayer, the monk, Christ, Origen, Jerome, Homilies on the Book of Psalms

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Pochwat, J. (2013). Złe duchy – diabeł i demony na podstawie "Homilii o Księdze Psalmów" Orygenesa-Hieronima. Vox Patrum, 59, 129–150. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.4020

Józef Pochwat 
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


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