The evil of magic in the pastoral recommendations of Church fathers

Paweł Wygralak

Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu , Poland


The article took up the problem of evil in magic in the teaching of the Church Fathers. The ancient priests were convinced that magic was the work of the devil himself. Even the pagan world believed that every mage must have had his own demon, who was the source of their strength. Thus a mage remains at a constant relationship with the devil on whom he is dependent. It can be even said that magic leads inevitably to the worship of the devil. Those who practice magic or seek advice from fortune-tellers and astrologers, put themselves at the devil’s dis­posal, since they make their life decisions dependent on the results of divination or star system. The most serious form of enslavement is demonic possession. Few of the Church Fathers links possession with magic practice, whereas all agree that magic seriously weakens confidence in Divine Providence and leads to a spiritual split, which results in simultaneous participation in the Christian practices and the use of magic services.


Church Fathers, magic, astrology, evil, enslavement, possession

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Paweł Wygralak 
Uniwersytet im. Adama Mickiewicza w Poznaniu


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