The history of priscillian schism (370-385). The dramatic elimination of priscillianism

Krzysztof Sordyl

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie , Poland


Priscillianism was a serious problem for the church in Spain from the second half of IV century till the end of VI century. In this article there has been discussed the beginning and the development of Priscillian schism and its dramatic conse­quences for Priscillian himself, his followers and the ancient church. Heterodox trend in Priscillian doctrine, immorality of this community’s life, as well as the errors of the church people and the imperial authority in solving Priscillian con­troversy have been shown. The first two stages of Priscillian schism have been analysed: the first one starting from Priscillian’s speech in the synod in Saragossa (380), and the second one from the above mentioned synod till Priscillian’s trial and execution (385). The reasons for Priscilllian’s execution and the reaction to his death, both in Christian and pagan world, have been presented.


Priscillian schism, synod of Saragossa, Priscillains’ journey from Rome to Milan, the trial in Trier, the death of Priscillan and his followers

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Sordyl, K. (2013). Dzieje schizmy pryscyliańskiej (370-385). Dramatyczna likwidacja pryscylianizmu. Vox Patrum, 59, 317–327.

Krzysztof Sordyl 
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


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