Christian itineraria to the holy places from the II to VIII century

Ryszarda Bulas

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The article is a summary of Christian itineraria, documents and letters from a trip to the Holy Land; from Meliton of Sardis letter’s in the second cen­tury, to description of the holy places in Greek Epiphanius of Jerusalem in the eighth century. The author touches the theme of evolution in the approach to the pilgrimage over seven centuries. At the beginning the journey to Jerusalem was sightseeing, historical and descriptive. From the fourth century, pilgrim­age becomes the religious and spiritual journey. In the sixth century it is great phenomenon of religion (the cult of the Holy Wood of the Cross, the cult of relics, eulogia) but also political. From the beginning was associated with the ascetic and monastic ideals. Due to the invasion of Islam in the seventh and eighth centuries, itineraria were mostly copies of previous or notation of ex­periences of other people.


Christian itineraria, II-VIII century

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Bulas, R. (2012). Chrześcijańskie itineraria do miejsc świętych od II do VIII wieku. Vox Patrum, 57, 77–91.

Ryszarda Bulas 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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