The autobiographical reflection of Prudentius over the own life within a period of the old age

Tadeusz Kołosowski

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie , Poland


The author analyses the beginning of the poetic work of Prudentius (Praefatio) in whom the poet does the self-examination over his own previous life. The poet runs short his own past: the childhood, the beginning of rhetorical studies , errors of the youth, the lawyer’s career , finally the development of the public career. This are quick scenes from following stages of his life. The poet considers, how to live the period of the old age. One ought to talk with himself, to perform the dialogue with the own soul. The old age is the time which man should think about God. The poet wants to laud God with his own word, with her own poetry. Prudentius expresses the conviction that his poesy, lauds God with the day and by night, praises apostles and martyrs, fights with the idolatry and heresies and explains Catholic faith. Such poetry will assure him the salvation.


Prudentius, old age

Augustinus, Confessiones, tłum. Z. Kubiak: Św. Augustyn, Wyznania, Warszawa 1982
Cyprianus Carthaginensis, Ad Donatum, ed. M. Simonetti, CCL 3A, tłum. M. Szarmach: Cyprian, Do Donata, VoxP 8 (1988) z. 15
Hieronymus, Epistulae, CSEL 54, tłum. J. Czuj: Św. Hieronim, Listy, I, Warszawa 1952
Horatius, Epistulae
Juvenalis, Sermones
Martialis, Epigrammata
Nanni B., La vecchiaia in Aurelio Prudenzio Clemente, w: Senectus. La vecchiaia nell’ antichità, ed. U. Mattoli, Bologna 2007
Prudentius, Carmina. Praefatio, ed. M.P. Cunningham, CCL 126, tłum. M. Brożek: Aureliusz Prudencjusz Klemens, Wieńce męczeńskie (Peristephanon) oraz Przedsłowie i Epilog, wstęp i oprac. M. Starowieyski, ŻMT 40, Kraków 2006
Prudentius, Exim iurgia turbidos armarunt animos et male pertinax uincendi studium subiacuit casibus asperis
Thraede K., Studien zu Sprache und Stil des Prudentius, Göttingen 1965


Kołosowski, T. (2011). Autobiograficzna refleksja Prudencjusza nad własnym życiem u progu starości. Vox Patrum, 56, 321–326.

Tadeusz Kołosowski 
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


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