How long was Jesus in the womb of Mary? Opinions of the Church Fathers

Józef Naumowicz

Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie , Poland


The time from the conception to the birth of Jesus is most often given as nine or ten months. Sometimes one and the same author gives both numbers without any explanation, for example Tertullian, Zeno of Verona, Ambrose of Milan or Jerome. However there is no contradiction between the two. „Ten months” refers to lunar months (28 days), and corresponds to nine months in the solar calendar. The ecclesiastical authors used the formula „ten (lunar) months” not only be-cause they wanted to follow Virgil, as Adkin suggests. It appears also in the writings of pagan authors of late antiquity, and survived as a set phrase in everyday language into times when the lunar calendar was no longer used (with the exception of the Christian reckoning of Easter, which continued to be based on lunar cycles). Another matter are the opinions reported by Epiphanius in the Panarion, that Jesus was born seven (according to the Alogi) or nine and a half months after conception. These opinions arose no doubt from numerological speculation, but the length of pregnancy is also reckoned in lunar months. This shows that in late antiąuity the expression „ten months” was not merely a formula. Lunar months were still used and understood, particularly if it was to give the length of time spent by a child in its mother’s womb.


Mary, womb

Adkin N., How long was Christ in the Womb? A Division of Opinion in the Fathers, EThL 70 (1994)
Aelius Gallus, De significatione verborum
Ambrose, De fide, PL 16
Augustinus, De Trinitate, CCL 50
Censorinus, De die natali, ed. N. Sallmann, Bibliotheca Teubneriana, Leipzig 1983
Cicero, De natura deorum
Clemens Alexandrinus, Stromata, tłum. J. Niemirska-Pliszczyńska: Kobierce, II, Warszawa 1994
Cyrillus Hierosolymitanus, Catechesis
Epiphanius, Panarion, hrsg. K. Holi - J. Dummer, 2. bearbeitete Auflage, GCS 31, Berlin 1980
Halkin L., Le probleme des «decem menses» de la IVe Eclogue de Vergile, „Les Etudes Classiques” 46 (1948) 354-370
Herescu N.I., Les «decem menses» et les calculs chronologiques des Romaines, REL 33 (1955) 152-165
Hieronimus, Adversus Helvidium, PL 23
Hieronimus, Epistola PL 72
Joannes Chrysostomus, Expositio in Ps.
Joannes Chrysostomus, In diem Natalem Jesu Christi, PG 49
Joannes Chrysoslomus, In Genesin hom.
Joannes Chrysostomus, In Matthaeum hom.
Leges Duodecim Tabularum
Macrobius, Commentarii in Somnium Scipionis, ed. I. Willis, Lipsiae 1963
Plinius, Historia naturalis, ed. R. Schelling, „Les Belles Lettres”, Paris 1977
Stephan G., Wczesnochrześcijańskie poglądy o początkach życia ludzkiego i ich moralne konsekwencje, „Bielsko-Żywieckie Studia Teologiczne” 2 (2000) 165-176
Tertulian, Contra Marcionem, SCh 456, tłum. S. Ryznar, PSP 58, Warszawa 1994
Tertulian, De carne Christi, SCh 216
Vergilius, Ecloga, tłum. Z. Abramowiczówna: Wergiliusz, Bukoliki i Georgiki (wybór), BN II 83, Wrocław 1953
Zenon, Tractatus, CCL 22


Naumowicz, J. (2008). Jak długo Jezus był w łonie Maryi? Opinie Ojców Kościoła. Vox Patrum, 52(2), 713–720.

Józef Naumowicz 
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie


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