The Attitude of Gregory of Nazianzus towards the Laity in the Light of His Letters of Protection

Norbert Widok

Uniwersytet Opolski , Poland


Gregorius Nazianzenus 245 litteras scripsit. Sunt inter has 58 litterae commendaticiae, quae ad administratores publicos, amicos et episcopos scriptae sunt. Talis numerus litterarum missarum ad homines notos cognitosque in laicorum rebus indicat Gregorium plenum amoris curaeque erga indigentes fuisse. Omnibus semper ad auxilium ferendum promptus erat.


Gregory of Nazianzus, lay, letter of protection, laity

w opracowywaniu


Widok, N. (2003). Postawa Grzegorza z Nazjanzu wobec świeckich w świetle jego listów protekcyjnych. Vox Patrum, 42, 187–207.

Norbert Widok 
Uniwersytet Opolski


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