The Allegorical Exegesis of the Fathers - Use or Abuse of the Biblical Text?

Krzysztof Bardski

Warszawa , Poland


The interpretation of the Bibie throughout the centuries followed a twofoid way: it consisted either in the research of the literate meaning connected with the intention of the author and the historical-cultural environment of the text, either in the more-the-literal creative development of ideas associated with the literary motives of the text. The first kind of interpretation is considered fundamental for the biblical studies and makes use of the historical-critical method. The second one constitutes a very important stream in the tradition of the Church but has been scarcely analyzed from the point of view of the biblical studies.


biblical text, allegory, patristics

w opracowywaniu


Bardski, K. (2003). Patrystyczna egzegeza alegoryczna - użycie czy nadużycie tekstu biblijnego?. Vox Patrum, 44, 49–64.

Krzysztof Bardski 


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