The Fall of Dioscuros of Alexandria

Ireneusz Milewski

Uniwersytet Gdański , Poland


The overthrow of patriarch Dioscuros appertains to the breakthrough events, which influenced the doctrinal countenance of Late Antique Christianity. Despite the fact that the decision to deprive the patriarch of the throne remained solely political, the very depositional proceedings were commenced on the charge of wrongdoings committed by Dioscuros prior to and in the course of the second Ephesian Council. During the Chalcedonian Councii there were also four Alexandrians who maintained accusations against the patriarch, those being: two deacons (Theodoros and Ischyrionis), presbyter Athanasius and Sophronios, of whom we possess little knowledge. It was proved, however, that even the substantial charges did not destine Dioscuros to be overthrown as much as did his refusal to attend the council. The overthrown patriarch was exiled and therein died in 454. His relics were translated to Alexandria during the reign of Tymotheus Ailuros.


Dioscuros of Alexandria, patriarch, Alexandria, fall, Council of Ephesus, Council of Chalcedon

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Ireneusz Milewski
Uniwersytet Gdański


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