On the Council of Nicea (325) in the light of the monograph by Henryk Pietras SJ

Sławomir Bralewski

Uniwersytet Łódzki , Poland


The Council convened by emperor Constantine the Great to Nicea in the year 325 still arouses keen interest of researchers around the world. Against the back­ground of international scholarship, the achievements of Polish academics look quite modest. That is why one should especially appreciate the publication of a book (written in Polish) on the subject by Henryk Pietras, an acclaimed Polish patrologist. The monograph is noteworthy for a number of reasons and compels the reader to a thorough reflection on a cornucopia of facts that have been already discussed by numerous academics and subject to manifold interpretations. Its spe­cial merit lies first and foremost in an erudite analysis of sources conducted by the Author, which is competent enough to exhort all the interested to (at least) re-think their views. It is necessary to admit that the Academic is right, when he argues that the Council (firstly convened to Ancyra, and subsequently to Nicea) was not organized for the reason of discussing the Arian controversy. In reality, it seems that the primary reason for the meeting was the Donatist schism, which the Patrologist underestimated, and additionally the problem of reaching an agree­ment on a date of the Passover celebration. Certainly, the Council was not of an anti-Arian nature, but Arius was condemned by the ecclesiastic meeting as the one who rejected a laboriously reached compromise as for the form of the credo and renounced the term homoousios.


Council of Nicaea, emperor Constantine, Arius, Arianism, symbol of faith, Donatism

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Bralewski, S. (2016). Wokół soboru nicejskiego (325): na kanwie monografii autorstwa Henryka Pietrasa SJ. Vox Patrum, 65, 75–98. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3493

Sławomir Bralewski 
Uniwersytet Łódzki


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