Plagi i ich zadania w pożnoantycznych źródłach wizygockiej Hiszpanii i u Grzegorza z Tours

Alberto Ferreiro

Department of History, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, USA , Stany Zjednoczone


This study identifies where plagues are mentioned in the works of major chroniclers of Late Antique/Visigothic Hispania; they are Hydatius, John of Biclar, Isidore of Seville, the anonymous Vitas Sanctorum Patrum Emeretensium, and select Visigothic councils of Toledo. Gregory of Tours’ De virtutibus sancti Martini (1.11) is the representative text of an event in Gallaecia. Two other texts in the Libri historiarum decem involve Hispania and Visigothic Narbonne. In addition a few select sermons of Caesarius of Arles have some relevance. The biblical background is explored as it relates to plagues since it shaped more than any other cultural source the Weltanschauung of our writers. The topic is timely in view of the current situation that the world is in with Covid19; even though it is hardly the first time we have been here and for sure will not be the last as the historical record shows.

Słowa kluczowe:

plaga, Hydacjusz, Izydor z Sewilli, Jan z Biclar, Grzegorz z Tours, Cezary z Arles, Wizygockie synody w Toledo, Vitas Sanctorum Patrum Emeretensium

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Alberto Ferreiro
Department of History, Seattle Pacific University, Seattle, USA


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