Mary in the Annunciation as a Type of Baptism

Jan Witold Żelazny

Wydział Teologiczny, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II , Poland


The study shows that there is a full parallel between Mary in the Annunciation and the baptism of believers. In the Oriental interpretation, the two-stage approach observed in the Annunciation scene: the Holy Spirit who cleanses and the Son who incarnates have their counterpart in the birth of a new man – a Christian who receives the Holy Spirit through the anointing with oil, and becomes a member of Christ in the waters of baptism. So we have a Mariology which is soteriologically oriented and inseparably connected with the person of Christ. This approach, biblical and in line with tradition, seems to be particularly interesting because it allows us to see the not always empha sized dimension of our Marian devotion.


Holy Spirit, Annunciation, Baptism, Liturgy, Anointing, Siria

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Żelazny, J. W. (2021). Mary in the Annunciation as a Type of Baptism. Vox Patrum, 80, 211–220.

Jan Witold Żelazny
Wydział Teologiczny, Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II


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