The Condemnation of Priscillian’s use of non-Canonical Books and his Defense in Tractatus III: Liber de Fide et de Apocryphis

Alberto Ferreiro

Seattle Pacific University, Seattle , Stany Zjednoczone


One of the accusations against Priscillian and his followers was their use of non-canonical books in their writings and teachings. This was proof positive for Priscillian’s opponents that he and his followers were a sect worthy of condemnation and that their writings were tainted with heresy. These accusations are found in several of the Suevic-Visigothic councils of Hispania. it is fortuitous that we have Priscillian’s response to this accusation in his Tractatus III: Priscilliani Liber de Fide et de Apocryphis. In this work Priscillian wrote a spirited and proficient defense against his adversaries.


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Ferreiro, A. (2023). The Condemnation of Priscillian’s use of non-Canonical Books and his Defense in Tractatus III: Liber de Fide et de Apocryphis. Vox Patrum, 86, 51–74.

Alberto Ferreiro
Seattle Pacific University, Seattle


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