Dwie monastyczne koncepcje – o tym co łączy a zarazem dzieli Jana Kasjana i św. Augustyna

Przemysław Nehring

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu , Polska


Author of this paper juxtaposes several issues which are fundamental for mo­nastic concepts of St. Augustine and John Cassian, two figures that had the great­est impact on the development of the western pre-Benedictine monasticism. The difference in intellectual inspirations, personal monastic experiences, addressees of their monastic works and positions held by them in the institutional Church in­fluenced very deeply their teaching. Thus they interpret in a different manner an ac­count on the Jerusalem community (Acts 4:31-35) that – in their common opinion – began the history of monasticism. Cassian sees in it just the historical outset for this phenomenon while Augustine perceives it as a still valid model of behavior for his monks. They look differently at the relation of monastic communities towards the community of the Church but also at inner rules governing the life of monks in monasteries. Unlike Augustine, Cassian sees possibility of spiritual growth gained by monks through ascetical practices and decisions made on their free will. This anthropological optimism had played the key-role for the statement that Cassian made in the face of radical views of Augustine on the Grace and free will, formu­lated by him during the Pelagian controversy but also in other controversial issue, namely of possible legitimacy of lying under particular circumstances.

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Nehring, P. (2018). Dwie monastyczne koncepcje – o tym co łączy a zarazem dzieli Jana Kasjana i św. Augustyna. Vox Patrum, 69, 527–545. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3273

Przemysław Nehring 
Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


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