Polemika antyheretycka w Katechezach Cyryla Jerozolimskiego

Norbert Widok

Uniwersytet Opolski , Polska


The research goal the article was to present the ways of polemical fight of Cyril of Jerusalem in pre-baptismal catecheses given by him during the period of Lent. Catechumens, listening to catechetical speeches of their bishop, often learned about the existence of various theological misinterpretation. The Jerusa­lem shepherd noted at the beginning of his cycle of catecheses that he would pay attention to the heretical views. The bishop included an extensive description of the existing at that time false faith groups in one of the initial catechesis to sensitize the listeners to the spiritual evil introduced into their minds by heretics. The particular theological truths the bishop explained on the basis of the Articles of Faith contained in the so-called symbol of Jerusalem. In every consecutive teaching Cyril referred to these er­roneous views that concerned the currently explained theological issue. Through their juxtaposition the listeners could better understand and at the same time dis­tinguish the true interpretation of the faith from its misinterpretation. The bishop of Jerusalem turned out to be not only an outstanding theologian, but also a good polemicist, and an excellent teacher.

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Cyryl Jerozolimski, polemika antyheretycka, heretyckie poglądy, katechumeni, katecheza przedchrzcielna

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Widok, N. (2018). Polemika antyheretycka w Katechezach Cyryla Jerozolimskiego. Vox Patrum, 68, 423–442. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3368

Norbert Widok 
Uniwersytet Opolski


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