Rola eunuchów na dworze cesarzy bizantyńskich. Przypadek Narzesa

Rajmund Malinowski

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Polska


The article is divided into two sections. First presents the role of eunuchs in Byzantine Empire in general. Second section focuses specifically on Narses, his life, main achievements and legacy.

The term eunuch (eÙnoàcoj) is ambiguous. It generally refers to people who are not able to procreate due to natural constitution or mutilation, but it can have many various meanings. It can also refer to the man who is absent from procreation due to impotence or celibate. For people who has been born incapacitated or with some hormonal anomalies we use term „natural eunuchs”. There were several functions of eunuchs in Byzantine state we can differentia­te. First is religious. Eunuchs were present in institution of Church from the very beginning. They could have been priests and patriarchs if they did not become eunuchs as a result of self-mutilation. Many eunuchs were high officials at the court of Byzantine emperors. They served as envoys, agents and as a members of palace guard. They were also responsible for superintending of the emperor’s son. And finally, eunuchs were successful and talented military leaders. Life of Narses is fascinating example of a great career of eunuch in Byzantine Empire. He owes his success to his many talents and sympathy and protection of the emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora. He came to Constantinople from east, probably as a slave. At the beginning, he was a low rank official at the court. He also served as a member of the palace guard. Thanks to his intelligence and flexibility he became chamberlain at the court. Later he got a generalship of By­zantine army in Italy. He was called back to the capital, after he got involved in conflict with great general Belisarius. Several years later, however, Justinian once again used his skills to finally crush Ostrogoth’s army. He spent his last years of life as governor of conquered land.

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Malinowski, R. (2018). Rola eunuchów na dworze cesarzy bizantyńskich. Przypadek Narzesa. Vox Patrum, 67, 373–387.

Rajmund Malinowski 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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