Pieniądz w Historia lausiaca autorstwa Palladiusza z Helenopolis

Ireneusz Milewski

Uniwersytet Gdański , Polska


The paper analyses the reports regarding money, which appear in the Histo­ria Lausiaca by Palladius, bishop of bithynian Helenopolis and galatian Aspona. In the work of Palladius, money appears in several contexts: as a donation to a church and sums donated to charity. Amongst the most generous donors, there are: Melania the Elder, Melania the Younger and Olympias from Constantinople. In Historia Lausiaca, there can also be found some information about the prices and wages of the time. Another matter is the credibility of the reports when it comes to the amounts of money. Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to ulti­mately verify their legitimacy. Other reports which give information on the prices and wages are not really helpful either.

Słowa kluczowe:

starożytność, antyczne chrześcijaństwo, ekonomia późnego cesarstwa rzymskiego, wczesne Bizancjum, Palladiusz z Helenopolis

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Milewski, I. (2018). Pieniądz w Historia lausiaca autorstwa Palladiusza z Helenopolis. Vox Patrum, 67, 423–435. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3408

Ireneusz Milewski 
Uniwersytet Gdański


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