Biblijne uzasadnienie prymatu biskupa orientu na podstawie listów Tymoteusza I, patriarchy Bagdadu

Jan W. Żelazny

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie , Polska


In the interpretation of the Bible among Christians of the Orient, i.e. in the ancient Oriental exegesis, the historical sense is relevant, as history reveals Jesus to us. He is present, as the School of Alexandria describes, in the entire Bible, on its every page, but He is not veiled by allegory – He is present through time, having its special place in the revelation of the Word. Using types and images to explain certain points in the Bible is related to the concept of theological language in which types and images inscribed in the Holy Bible play an important role in our way of talking about God. They are elements that, by definition, should form the theological discourse. Certain elements of this exegesis are similar to concepts both of the School of Antioch and that of Alexandria, although, from the point of view of its basic assumptions and axioms, it is completely different. In many aspects, it is close to Judaism against which it fights so intensely, as many of its concepts are inspired by the heritage of the Jewish Diaspora of the Middle East.

Słowa kluczowe:

Tymoteusz I, pentarchia, egzegeza orientalna, obraz, typologia, prymat

Timotheus I Patriarcha, Epistulae, ed. O. Braun, I, CSCO 74, Scriptores Syri 30, Lou¬vain 1953; tłum. łacińskie O. Braun: Thimothei Patriarchae I Epistulae, I, CSCO 75, Scriptores Syri 31, Louvain 1953.
Brock S., Una fontana inesauribile. La Bibbia nella tradizione siriaca, Roma 2008.
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Rompay L. van, The Christian Syriac Tradition of Interpretation, w: Hebrew Bible Old Testament. The History of Its Interpretation, ed. M. Saebo, vol. 1: From the Begin¬nings to the Middle Ages (Until 1300), part 1: Antiquity, Güttingen 1996, 612-641.
Rompay L. van, Development of Biblical Interpretation in The Syrian Churches of the Middle Ages, w: Hebrew Bible Old Testament. The History of Its Interpretation, ed. M. Saebo, vol. 1: From the Beginnings to the Middle Ages (Until 1300), part 2: The Middle Ages, Güttingen 2000, 559-577.
Simonetti M., Lettera o/e allegoria, uno contributo alla storia dell’esegesi patristica, Roma 1985.
Żelazny J.W., Język symbolu jako charakterystyczny wymiar teologii św. Efrema. Zarys problematyki, VoxP 30 (2010) t. 55, 799-808.
Żelazny J., Tymoteusz I – prekursorem ekumenizmu?, w: Tymoteusz I, Listy I-VIII, tłum., opr. tekstu syryjskiego i wstęp ks. J. Żelazny, Kraków 2015, 5-28.


Żelazny, J. W. (2018). Biblijne uzasadnienie prymatu biskupa orientu na podstawie listów Tymoteusza I, patriarchy Bagdadu. Vox Patrum, 67, 779–788.

Jan W. Żelazny 
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


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