Poznanie i wolna wola – dwie podstawowe kategorie antropologii Ambrozjastra

Grzegorz Babiarz

Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie , Polska


Ambrosiaster belongs to the Roman school of exegesis. He deserves the atten­tion because of the relations between him and Marius Victorinus, his predecessor, as well as Pelagius and Augustine, his successors. The purpose of the article was to present Ambrosiaster’s anthropology on the basis of his writings. The conclu­sions have been presented in three parts: the elements of human nature, the ratio­nality of knowledge and the scope of free will. The first part shows the process in which the elements of nature are integrated. The spirit plays the decisive role synchronizing both the body and the soul. This dynamic and ongoing process is inspired by the presence of the Holy Spirit. The second part reveals two conditions for gaining knowledge: accepting the limita­tions of the mind and expanding and developing the principle of analogy. The last part presents two ways the free will is practised: by increasing how much one owns, which may be associated with lust, or by strengthening one’s inner strength. The role of the cultural and the ecclesial environment constitutes important infor­mation for the reconstruction of the views of Ambrosiaster. This raises the ques­tion whether – alongside Antioch and Alexandria – one could also talk about the Roman school of exegesis (Marius Victorinus, Ambrosiaster, Pelagius).

Słowa kluczowe:

antropologia, ciało, duch, dusza, egzegeza, poznanie, pożądanie, wolna wola, Ambrozjaster

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Babiarz, G. (2015). Poznanie i wolna wola – dwie podstawowe kategorie antropologii Ambrozjastra. Vox Patrum, 63, 143–155. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3556

Grzegorz Babiarz 
Uniwersytet Papieski Jana Pawła II w Krakowie


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