Sekrety duchowej walki w mowie "O wojnach" Afrahata, perskiego mędrca

Andrzej Uciecha

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach , Polska


In the Demonstration “On Wars” Aphrahat prophetically announces the times of Christian persecution and at the same time in a secret way persuades and en­courages to place one’s faith in God’s Providence. The Persian comments on his contemporary events in a military convention, in the context of the ideals of spiri­tual struggles of the “sons of covenant”. In every difficult situation Christian “ath­letes” should see a call for conversion. A theological message of the speech “On Wars” has been included in the encouragement to interpret the persecution of the Church as a sign of God’s admonition; the Sage says nothing about God’s wrath or His punishment.

Słowa kluczowe:

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Uciecha, A. (2015). Sekrety duchowej walki w mowie "O wojnach" Afrahata, perskiego mędrca. Vox Patrum, 63, 389–396.

Andrzej Uciecha 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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