The essence of the preaching ministry in the light of St. Leo the Great’s "Sermons"

Michał Dąbrówka

Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II , Poland


St. Leo the Great’s theological view is characterized by a deep sense of the liturgy as an actualization of the saving mystery of Christ. This belief has its resemblance in tasks which are performed by pope’s Sermons. They are – first of all – uncovering this mystery’s presence in “here and now” of the liturgical cele­bration, leading into its essence, and indicating in which way this celebration can be prolonged in everyday live by the believers. In this way sermons help them in deeper participation in the Holy Mass and extracting life-giving strength from the mystery which is celebrated. Therefore the preaching ministry is regarded by St. Leo as a grave responsibility, from which a priest who presides over the liturgy should not dispense with. Considering a sermon as a part of the liturgy Pope re­gards it as an instrument of God’s grace, and a space to praise the God for what He has made in the history of salvation.


Leo the Great, preaching, theology of preaching, mystery of Christ, mystagogy

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Michał Dąbrówka 
Katolicki Uniwersytet Lubelski Jana Pawła II


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