Bóg, w którego wierzą chrześcijanie według "Prima Clementis"

Waldemar Turek

Pontificia Università Urbaniana a Roma , Włochy


In his First Letter to the Corinthians, Saint Clement of Rome offers a concep­tion of God based on biblical texts, philosophical arguments (especially Greek), and juridical reasoning (especially based on Roman law). Taking into conside­ration the various terms that refer to God in the Prima Clementis, the author of this paper analyzes those that occur most frequently, including theos, kyrios, despotes and pater. He attempts to uncover the meaning of these terms in the Prima Clementis and in the preceding tradition, as well as the theological ideas that these terms were intended to express. In this way, the author aims not only to present the concept of God as elaborated by Clement, but also Clement’s cultural background which hitherto has remained in the dark. The word theos indicates God’s omnipotence, emphasizing his power to create and justify; as kyrios God brings order to the created world and establishes harmony among its various ele­ments; despotes, Clement’s favourite term, describes God as the one who invites man to change his behaviour, the one who chooses him and justifies him with his grace; pater refers to the God of peace who encourages all believers to collabo­rate, especially the community at Corinth.

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Turek, W. (2014). Bóg, w którego wierzą chrześcijanie według "Prima Clementis". Vox Patrum, 61, 269–282. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3624

Waldemar Turek 
Pontificia Università Urbaniana a Roma


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