Prawo wiary czy uczynki prawa? Dylemat pierwszych chrześcijan w "Commentarium in Epistulam ad Romanos" Orygenesa

Jerzy Duda

Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. Jana Pawła II w Siedlcach , Polska


One of the most crucial problems that split the newly developing Church was the argumentation between the baptized Jews, the Christians deriving from pagans and Gnostics mainly concerned the issue of respecting Moses Law and connected with it circumcision. That problem was deeply analyzed in the preaching of one of the most prominent Early-Christian writers and Church exegetes Origen (around 253 AD). Origen stressed that both the law of faith as well as Moses Law are strictly connected with God’s Law, which every human should respect in order to reach salvation. And neither the deeds of natural law nor Moses Law have the justification power, since this is actually given directly from Christ via our faith and christening. So humans receive the remission of sins and blessing on the basis of faith, and it is the faith that contributes to salvation. Humans, who have been given salvation, are obliged to respect the law faith in their life, which concerns all Christ’s disciples. And that should be manifested by fasting, mercy, penance, seeking wisdom, etc. We can state though that the law of faith, being God’s gift, is fundamental in a Christian’s life, and the reflection of that is justice and sainthood.

Słowa kluczowe:

Orygenes, teologia patrystyczna, wiara, Prawo Mojżeszowe, prawo wiary, życie chrześcijańskie

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Origenes, Commentarium in Epistulam ad Romanos, PG 14, tłum. S. Kalinkowski: Orygenes, Komentarz do Listu św. Pawła do Rzymian, PSP 57, Warszawa 1994
Origenes, Commentarium in Evangelium Joannis, ed. C. Blanc, SCh 120, Paris 1966
Origenes, Commentarium in Evangelium Matthaei, ed. R. Girod, SCh 162, Paris 1967
Origenes, Contra Celsum, ed. M. Borret, SCh 136, Paris 1968
Origenes, In Iesu Nave hom., ed. A. Jaubert, SCh 71, Paris 1960
Origenes, In Lucam hom., ed. H. Crouzel – F. Fornier – P. Perichon, SCh 87, Paris 1962
Pietras H., Wprowadzenie, w: Orygenes, Komentarz do Ewangelii według św. Jana, ŹMT 17, Kraków 2000
Reale G., Historia filozofii starożytnej, tłum. E.I. Zieliński, III, Lublin 1999
Rudolph K., Gnoza, tłum. G. Sowiński, Kraków 2003
Schelkle K.H., Teologia Nowego Testamentu, t. 3: Etos, tłum. M.L. Dylewski, Kraków 1984
Simonetti M., Między dosłownością a alegorią, tłum. T. Skibiński, Kraków 2000
Szram M., Chrystus – Mądrość Boża według Orygenesa, Lublin 1997


Duda, J. (2014). Prawo wiary czy uczynki prawa? Dylemat pierwszych chrześcijan w "Commentarium in Epistulam ad Romanos" Orygenesa. Vox Patrum, 61, 283–295.

Jerzy Duda 
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne im. Jana Pawła II w Siedlcach


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