Zagadnienie wiary w nauczaniu kaznodziejskim św. Chromacjusza z Akwilei

Brunon Zgraja

Uniwersytet Opolski , Polska


St. Chromatius, bishop of Aquileia, who lived at the turn of the IV and V cen­tury, as a zealous pastor, led by concern for the salvation of his faithful, undertook in his predicatory teaching an explanation of the queations of faith. Without in­dications of any polemics – as one might expect – with the Arianism which was spread through the Gothic invaders, he did it, not ignoring however the important doctrinal aspect which constitutes the basis of the act of faith. He teaches, that to believe means to walk incessantly the Christ’s way of righteousness, know thanks to the proclaimed Gospel. Receiving the holy baptism is the beginning of that way. In a simple, but interesting at the same time, preaching being not infre­quently the fruit of an allegorical, often amazing interpretation of the Bible events and signs know to his listeners, the bishop of Aquileia furthermore encourages to fidelity to the chosen way of righteousness, making his listeners aware that walk­ing this way means not only walking a way that is free from wrongdoing, which brings concrete fruits, of which the most valuable is the eternal salvation. Being aware of many menaces in spiritual life, he also warns in his sermons against the danger of losing the faith.

Słowa kluczowe:

Chromacjusz z Akwilei, wiara, kazania

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Zgraja, B. (2014). Zagadnienie wiary w nauczaniu kaznodziejskim św. Chromacjusza z Akwilei. Vox Patrum, 61, 467–478.

Brunon Zgraja 
Uniwersytet Opolski


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