Zagadnienie personalizmu w "Protreptyku" Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego

Aleksy Kowalski

Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej , Polska


The article presents the outline of the pagan and Christian ancient anthropo­logy that is interested in its relations to the cosmology. The antique philosophers describe a man as the microcosmos which belongs to the macrocosmos. Accor­ding to Aristotle’s metaphysics and the henological metaphysics, the human being occupies the lower place in the hierarchy of the universe. The Christian thinkers, based on the Bible and the Tradition, show the human being as God’s creature made according to the image and similitude of his Creator. The Church Fathers know the Jewish and gnostic anthropologies and they make a polemic on their doctrinal issues. Investigating the patristic anthropology is possible to apply the prosopography exegesis that underlines the interpersonal dialogue. That method indicates three levels of mutual relationships: the analogical and iconic one, the dyadic and dialogical level and the triadic one. The Church Fathers creating the metaphysics of person change their research from the cosmology to the theology and the anthropology. Justin investigates the personalist logos-anthropology. Ire­naeus of Lyon and Tertullian of Carthage show the personalist soma-anthropology. Clement of Alexandria elaborates the very interesting concept of the personalist eikon-anthropology that describes the human person as the divine Logos’ image, the living statue, in which dwells the divine Logos and the beautiful instrument fulfilled by God with the spirit. Origen of Alexandria, the Cappadocian Fathers and other Christian thinkers who examine that issue, will use Clément’s personal­ist eikon-anthropology in their future investigations. That concept helps to define the solemn Christological doctrine of Council of Chalcedon.

Słowa kluczowe:

antropologia, kosmologia, teologia, metafizyka, egzegeza prosopograficzna, osoba, logos, obraz, Ojcowie Kościoła, Biblia, Tradycja, Klemens Aleksandryjski, Protreptyk

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Kowalski, A. (2015). Zagadnienie personalizmu w "Protreptyku" Klemensa Aleksandryjskiego. Vox Patrum, 64, 299–315.

Aleksy Kowalski 
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne Archidiecezji Częstochowskiej


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