U zarania łacińskiego pojęcia osoby (persona). Przyczynek do teologicznego myślenia o osobie

Krzysztof Witko

Issy-les-Moulineaux , Francja


The article presents the meaning of the term persona in the Latin literature. The author shows that Boetius’ understanding of this term as individuum or ra­tionalis naturae individua substantia is not sufficient. The author proposes to ex­plore Tertullian’s teaching about the human person. This ancient theologian used the term persona in a Christian sense. Thus he contributed to the development of the Christian vocabulary. We notice that in the Patristic sources there are keys for the theological reflection about the human person in a soteriological aspect; we can better understand the true nature of the human being (or person) in the light of the work of salvation accomplished by Jesus Christ.

Słowa kluczowe:

osoba, indywidualne istnienie, natura, relacja, persona, łacina

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Witko, K. (2015). U zarania łacińskiego pojęcia osoby (persona). Przyczynek do teologicznego myślenia o osobie. Vox Patrum, 64, 517–528. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.3729

Krzysztof Witko 


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