Zagrożenia w przepowiadaniu Słowa Bożego w świetle "Enarrationes in psalmos" św. Augustyna

Marian Strankowski

Archidiecezjalne Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Białymstoku , Polska


This article shows the dangers in preaching of God’s word according to St. Augustine. The observations of the Bishop of Hippona are double. In the first group there are exterior dangers. Their source of origin is on the outside of the Church, from heretics and schismatics. In the second group there are internal dan­gers. Their source is in human dimension of the Church. Among them, according to St. Augustine, there are: preachers-mercennnaries, excessive pride of preacher, desire of human praises and honours, laziness in God’s service, giving into temp­tation of earthly comfort and care for worldly things.

Słowa kluczowe:

św. Augustyn, głoszenie, słowo Boże, zagrożenie, Enarrationes in psalmos

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Strankowski, M. (2013). Zagrożenia w przepowiadaniu Słowa Bożego w świetle "Enarrationes in psalmos" św. Augustyna. Vox Patrum, 60, 289–314.

Marian Strankowski 
Archidiecezjalne Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Białymstoku


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