Obraz Boga w Biblii

Bogusław Górka

Uniwersytet Gdański , Polska


The standard interpretation of the biblical idea of the image of the God in Genesis (Gen 1:26 ff.), so called ontic interpretation, which sees in Him a reli­gious basis for the metaphysical dogma of the creation of a man as a spiritual-corporeal being, is detached from its biblical meaning. For the biblical authors, the primary issue is not the question what kind of the human being was called by the God from nothingness into being, but that when the human being receives the status of the image and character of the God in the existential dimension. John the Baptist reached the status of the image of God at the time when he became the Anthropos (John 1:6). In turn, Paul, by the moving of the idea of the image of Jesus as a man at the turning point of the process of salvation (Romans 8:29), created the foundation for the study of triple-imaging of the God as in Jesus, as well as in initiated.

Słowa kluczowe:

obraz Boga, Biblia

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Górka, B. (2012). Obraz Boga w Biblii. Vox Patrum, 57, 181–192. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.4126

Bogusław Górka 
Uniwersytet Gdański


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