Obraz Maryi u św. Hieronima w jego "Komentarzu do Ewangelii według św. Mateusza"

Józef Pochwat

Kraków , Polska


According to St Jerome (347-420) there is an unbreakable link between Mary and life, as well as the plans of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. She is chosen by God for the role that he has assigned her. St Jerome presents Mary as a woman and a virgin. He shows the fatherhood of God in relation to Jesus and excludes the physical fatherhood of Joseph. While giving to Mary the task that is beyond human abilities, God provides help in the person of a righteous man to be her husband and the foster father of His Son, Jesus. Jerome also shows God’s concern for the dignity of marriage and the family, in their natural dimension (the union between a man and a woman only). Basing this on the Scripture and the way of expression in Hebrew, he rejects the hypothesis of the brothers and sisters of Jesus. St. Jerome knows very well the results of Scripture research as well as other writings - Apocrypha. He rejects the opinions of the Marcionites and the Manicheans. He stresses the reality of the incarnation of Jesus, the Son of God and emphasizes the virginity of Mary. In modern times, the Commentary on the gospel according to Mathew by St Jerome invites us to a deeper reflection on en­gagement, marriage and virginity, maternity and paternity as well as trust in God and confidence between spouses.

Słowa kluczowe:

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Pochwat, J. (2012). Obraz Maryi u św. Hieronima w jego "Komentarzu do Ewangelii według św. Mateusza". Vox Patrum, 57, 505–519. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.4149

Józef Pochwat 


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