Idea contemptus mundi u Eucheriusza z Lyonu

Dariusz Zalewski

Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Ełku , Polska


The striving after abandoning the world was constantly accompanied by the ancient Christian spirituality. In monasticism the real abandonment of society is becoming one of the most important factors. Among the great monastic centers the monastery in Lérins plays a significant role in the formation of the spiritual tradition of the „separation” on the West. Eucherius, as one of the Lérins’ monks, makes the doctrine of rejection of the world one of the most significant points of his spirituality. One of his works was De contemptu mundi, where the Lérins writer represents an organic conception of the world and puts forward arguments against the world. In this article Eucherius of Lyons idea of contemptus mundi and reasons that could affect his thinking have been analyzed.

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Eucheriusz z Lyonu, contemptus mundi

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Zalewski, D. (2012). Idea contemptus mundi u Eucheriusza z Lyonu. Vox Patrum, 57, 793–805.

Dariusz Zalewski 
Wyższe Seminarium Duchowne w Ełku


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