Przymioty i zadania żony według Jana Chryzostoma

Tatiana Krynicka

Uniwersytet Gdański , Polska


Like many others Church fathers John Chrysostom considers virginity prefe­rable to marriage. At the same time, being an interpreter of Saint Paul’s doctrine, he repeats that marriage is a splendid God’s mystery (Ephesians 5, 31-33). That is why he explains to the Christian men what kind of women they have to marry in order to become happy husbands, as well as draws Christian wives’ attention to their duties. According to Chrysostom, a man who seeks a wife should follow example of the servant, sent by Abraham back to his homeland to get a bride for his son, Isaac. First of all, he must aim to find a righteous woman. Bride’s wealth, as well as physical beauty are able to make her husband happy only provided that she lives faithfully serving God. Saint John teaches that God expects married Christian women to submit to their husbands, to live a chaste life, to take care of household while the man is about his public business, to be modest in their appearance and manners. Many ti­mes he sharply points out women’s vices and faults. On the other hand he holds in high esteem their virtues and sensibility, as well as demands that husbands should love their wives, treat them with respect, be loyal to them. Analyzing female cha­racters pictured by John Chrysostom, we often come across the types well-known through ancient Greek poetry.

Słowa kluczowe:

Jan Chryzostom, żona

Anthologia Palatina, tłum. A. Komornicka: Echa staroattyckiej komedii w epi¬gramatach satyrycznych „Antologii Palatyńskiej”, w: Epigram grecki i łaciński w kulturze Europy, red. K. Bartol – J. Danielewicz, Poznań 1997
Arjava A., Women in the Christian Empire: Ideological Change and Social Reality, StPatr 24 (1993)
Aspergen K., The Male Woman. A Feminine Ideal in the Early Church, Stockholm 1990
Clark G., Women in Late Antiquity. Pagan and Christian Life-styles, Oxford 1994
Danielewicz J., Wstęp, w: Liryka starożytnej Grecji, BN II 92, wyd. 3, Wrocław – Warszawa 1987
Donatus, In Aeneis
Joannes Chrysostomus, Ad viduam iuniorem, PG 48
Joannes Chrysostomus, Contra ludos et theatra, PG 56
Joannes Chrysostomus, De libello repudii, PG 51
Joannes Chrysostomus, De non iterando coniugio, PG 48
Joannes Chrysostomus, De virginitate, PG 48
Joannes Chrysostomus, In epistulam ad Colossenses hom., PG 62
Joannes Chrysostomus, In epistulam ad Ephesios hom., PG 62
Joannes Chrysostomus, In illud: „Propter fornicationes unusquisque suam uxorem ha¬beat”, PG 51
Joannes Chrysostomus, Quales ducendae sint uxores, PG 51
Kocur M., We władzy teatru. Aktorzy i widzow¬ie w antycznym Rzymie, Wrocław 2005
Liryka starożytnej Grecji, BN II 92, wyd. 3, Wrocław – Warszawa 1987
Longosz S., Widowiska teatralne zagrożeniem dla życia rodzinnego według św. Jana Chryzostoma, w: Chrześcijanie a życie publiczne w Cesarstwie Rzymskim III-IV wieku, red. J. Śrutwa, Lublin 1988, 135-198


Krynicka, T. (2009). Przymioty i zadania żony według Jana Chryzostoma. Vox Patrum, 53, 113–121.

Tatiana Krynicka 
Uniwersytet Gdański


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