Judith Lieu, Image and reality: the Jews in the world of the Christians in the second Century, Edinburgh 1996, Clark, ss. XIV + 349.

Leszek Misiarczyk

Płock , Polska



Słowa kluczowe:

recenzja, Leszek Misiarczyk, Judith Lieu

Lieu J., Image and reality: the Jews in the world of the Christians in the second Century, Edinburgh 1996.



Misiarczyk, L. (2003). Judith Lieu, Image and reality: the Jews in the world of the Christians in the second Century, Edinburgh 1996, Clark, ss. XIV + 349. Vox Patrum, 42, 581–584. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.7181

Leszek Misiarczyk 


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