An Accusation of Magic during the Persecution of Christians at the Turn of the Second Century

Andrzej Wypustek

Polska , Poland


Prior to Decius, that is before the Roman Empire had launched State persecution of Christians, the repressive measures victimising followers of Christianity were usually local and spontaneous outbursts of the heathen mob, or they were the result of the policy of provincial governors heeding popular incriminations at most. This was the reason why the popular image of Christians among pagans was of extreme importance.


magic, fortune-telling, persecution, Tertullian, Origen, Passio Perpetuae et Felicitatis

w opracowywaniu


Wypustek, A. (1997). Rola oskarżenia o magię i wróżbiarstwo w prześladowaniu chrześcijan na przełomie II i III wieku. Vox Patrum, 32, 45–60.

Andrzej Wypustek 


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