Orygenes o kapłaństwie i Eucharystii w "Homiliach o Księdze Kapłańskiej"

Jan Słomka

Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach , Polska


Origen's reflections on priesthood, as well as his interpretation of the Book of Leviticus, arc based on the assumption that there exists inner priesthood which is inherent in human nature. Such priesthood means human ability to offer spiritual sacrifices to God. Origen points to the human mind as the priest in man. It is the mind that is capable of turning to God. The spiritual priesthood imposes a moral obligation on every human being. Only against this background does Origenes consider priesthood in the Old and the New Testament. The Old Testamental priesthood was established by Moses and involved the ability to make both material! and spiritual offerings. That priesthood was an anticipation of the priesthood Jesus Christ. Jesus is, at the same time, a priest and a sacrifice, thus he fulfills all the promises of the Old Testament in himself.

Słowa kluczowe:

Orygenes, Księga Kapłańska, kapłaństwo, Eucharystia

w opracowywaniu


Słomka, J. (2003). Orygenes o kapłaństwie i Eucharystii w "Homiliach o Księdze Kapłańskiej". Vox Patrum, 44, 99–117. https://doi.org/10.31743/vp.8069

Jan Słomka 
Uniwersytet Śląski w Katowicach


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