Józef przed faraonem? Próba odczytania tematu na kapitelu w Vezelay

Paulina Ratkowska

Polska , Polska


The place and the artistic level of the capitals of Vezelay in the history of Romanesque sculpture in Burgundy was described by Arthur Kingsley Porter as follows: "Si nous ne connaisons pas les chapiteaux de Cluny, nous considererions sans doute ceux de Vezelay comme des merveilles...". For various reasons the interpretation of their stylistic filiations has been the subject of controversy to the present days. The author of the present article quotes the opinions of Ch.R. Morey, R. Salvini, V.H. Debidour and the others. For example, Morey wrote about the capitals that they "develop extraordinary virtuosity..." The scholars explained nearly all of the understanding of the others. But still quite a number of the scenes is enigmatic.

Słowa kluczowe:

Józef, faraon, kapitel w Vezelay

w opracowywaniu


Ratkowska, P. (1992). Józef przed faraonem? Próba odczytania tematu na kapitelu w Vezelay. Vox Patrum, 20, 91–100. Pobrano z https://czasopisma.kul.pl/index.php/vp/article/view/9065

Paulina Ratkowska 


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