Koncepcja choroby duszy u Ewagriusza z Pontu. Nowa synteza i rozszerzenie teleologicznego modelu wyjaśniania medycyny hipokratejsko-galenowej

Santiago Hernan Vazquez

Universidad de Mendoza , Argentyna

María Teresa Gargiulo

Universidad de Mendoza , Argentyna


A long hermeneutical tradition has indicated, in one way or another, the influence of ancient medicine on the writings of Evagrius Ponticus. The present work intends to continue this same line of analysis, particularly pointing out how the teleological model of explanation assumed by the monk of Ponto regarding the “phýsis” is the same explanatory model inaugurated in the Hippocratic treatise “On ancient medicine” and later developed by Galen in his moral writings about diseases of the soul. But the interest of our study is not only limited to exposing the sources that seem to have nourished the Evagrian understanding of the disease of the soul, but also seeks to clarify the original element that the Monk of the Pontus would introduce in this line of Hippocratic medicine.

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Santiago Hernan Vazquez  santiagohernanvazquez@gmail.com
Universidad de Mendoza https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2388-7172
María Teresa Gargiulo 
Universidad de Mendoza https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3580-9478


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