The caricatural lodyans in Gary Victor’s Haitian Human Comedy

Sara Del Rossi

Université de Varsovie , Poland


Popular oral literature has always been the most effective means of criticizing authority. In Haiti, there is a special genre to castigate and mock the administrative elite: the lodyans. This short satirical tale of popular origin, with its carnivalesque grip on socio-political reality, is used to inform the population about current events through parody and derision. This essay aims to analyze the use of the accumulative caricature in the social portraits in Gary Victor’s lodyans. The two main characters, Albert Buron and Sonson Pipirit, can be considered emblematic social types, who embody the main traits of their social categories. The narration of their (mis)adventures and the portraits of the characters met through their stories allow to draw up a sort of Haitian Human Comedy, so nigh to reality. This type of interpretation confirms Victor’s engagement, whose aim is to provoke a forced laughter, aware of Haitian sociopolitical issues.


lodyans, Haitian literature, Gary Victor, caricature

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Del Rossi, S. “La Lodyans Caricaturale Dans La comédie Humaine haïtienne De Gary Victor”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 10, Dec. 2020, pp. 226-37, doi:10.31743/ql.11545.

Sara Del Rossi
Université de Varsovie


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