Short anticipations in French 19th century press

Laurent Portes

Bibliothèque nationale de France , France


The 19th-century French press abounded in short stories of a utopian nature. On examination, these "short utopias", with authors often unknown or anonymous (at times due to famous journalists using pen names, turn out to be witnesses of the political thought of the moment: sometimes reflecting major utopian currents, sometimes extravagant, sometimes at odds with the political situation imposed by authoritarian regimes. Their diversity forces one to ask questions.

Their frequent presence in popular almanacs, their publication in entertainment and satirical press (Le Charivari, Le journal amusant, and Le journal pour rire contain them in great numbers), their frequent juxtaposition to amusing illustrations without political aim, or on the contrary their presence even in the daily political press, legitimately make them enter what has been called "the civilization of the newspaper".


utopias, dystopias, science-fiction, French satirical press, anticipation, 19th century

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Portes, L. “Les Anticipations Courtes Dans La Presse française Du XIXe siècle”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 11, Dec. 2021, pp. 123-3, doi:10.31743/ql.13314.

Laurent Portes
Bibliothèque nationale de France


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