Auto/bio/geo/graphies: spatial aspects of memory in autobiographical and testimonial narratives of wartime. Durocher, Langfus, Rawicz

Jadwiga Bodzińska-Bobkowska

Université de Gdańsk , Poland


The paper aims at describing and interpreting in comparative approach the works of three Polish‐French writers: Anna Langfus, Bruno Durocher et Piotr Rawicz. I follow the authors of What Is Philosophy in believing that “thinking takes place in the relationship of territory and the earth”. Therefore, my analysis is structured with the Deleuzian notion of territory and demonstrates how memory of wartime is anchored in the geographical and imaginary spaces. On the one hand, it is an external dimension which depends on the epistemic decisions of the subject. With its well-defined borders, the space is represented as a refuge, an “at home”, or, on the contrary, it becomes hostile and threatening. On the other hand, the space is represented as a territory and results from the discovery of the animal nature of man. Combining autobiographical/testimonial approaches and spatial/territorial perspectives, the article demonstrates the spatial character of human experience and memory.


space, territory, Holocaust, memory, Bruno Durocher, Anna Langfus, Piotr Rawicz

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Bodzińska-Bobkowska, J. “Auto/bio/géo/graphies : Les Enjeux Spatiaux De La mémoire Dans Les récits Autobiographiques Et Testimoniaux Du Temps De La Guerre Chez Durocher, Langfus, Rawicz”. Quêtes littéraires, no. 12, Dec. 2022, pp. 85-97, doi:10.31743/ql.14869.

Jadwiga Bodzińska-Bobkowska 
Université de Gdańsk


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